P2T UPI Website Development Mobile Application Based as A Mental Health Solution in the Digital Era

Amanda Salsah Riswana, Yoanita Elvandari


Mental health is one aspect of health that needs attention. One of the efforts to control it is by providing mental health services by professionals such as counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Currently, many mental health services are ready to serve the community. One of them is the Applied Psychology Center (P2T) which is fostered by the Psychology Department of the Indonesian Education University (UPI). To improve services and access to mental health services, the author tries to combine counseling services with technology or what is commonly called cyber counselling by developing a mobile application-based P2T UPI website. The author distributed questionnaires to 36 UPI students who combined open and closed questions to see the estimated effectiveness of this application development as well as the respondents' enthusiasm for the application design and related it to various theoretical foundations. The results showed the respondents' enthusiasm for the design of the P2T UPI website development based on mobile applications.


Application; Cyber counseling; Mental health Technology.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/mimbardik.v6i1.68612


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