Analysis on the Quality of Educational Services in an Effort to Improve the Image of Higher Education
Education is one of the most effective tool in changing people. Along with the globalization that continues to occur at high speeds that touch every aspect of human life is also touched education globally. These changes make the college market and competition becomes more widespread than previously and the relative moving faster than the ability of universities to respond. Currently, there are ranking universities in the world of international standards by agencies recognized by the world. in 2011, not a single university in Indonesia recorded the world's top 50 universities in both versions Webometrics and the QS World University Rankings. This shows that the competitiveness of universities in Indonesia are still not strong enough in comparison with universities abroad that ultimately the competitiveness of these colleges will build the image of college. The image has a very important meaning for the institution.The method used in this study is descriptive and explanatory survey of a sample survey with a size of 100 foreign students. The research was conducted within a period of less than one year (not sustainable in the long run) so that the method used is a cross-sectional. The data used are the primary data and secondary data collected through the literature study and questionnaire. The results revealed that the quality of education services at public universities in Bandung classified into good category, this means that the service received or perceived by foreign students has been as expected and the quality of education services affect the image of public universities in Bandung.
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