Analysis Retail Marketing Mix and Customer Loyalty
Business competition factory outlets in Bandung city is expected to be higher and tighter. So the impact on sales volume during the last three years have ups and downs. The purpose of this study was to gain an overview of (1) Retail Marketing Mix Program consisting of store locations, operating procedures, goods, price, atmosphere (atmospheric), customer service, and promotion. (2) Customer loyalty is comprised of repeat purchases, refused to competitors' products, are not attracted to the outlet and recommended competitor and (3) Effect of Retail Marketing Mix Program on customer loyalty to the factory outletin the city of Bandung. This study population is the customer factory outlets in Bandung City as much as 47. 630. Study sample as many as 100 people. Verifikatif this research is descriptive and explanatory survey methods, other than that based on the period of time, research using cross sectional method development. The analysis technique used is the path analysis (path analysis) by SPSS computer software tool of the 12. Based on statistical test results are obtained by finding the positive influence of the Retail Marketing Mix Customer loyalty is the conclusion that customer loyalty is influenced by the Retail Marketing Mix of 89.29%, the balance of 10.71% influenced by other factors
Keywords : retail marketing mix; customer loyalty
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