The Model of Implementation of National Single Window System toward Customs Service User Satisfaction Rate

Ratih Hurriyati, Saripudin Saripudin, Chis Hardjono Adji


After entering the gates of ACFTA and to face ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY 2015 , Indonesia international trade competition is increasing. Therefore the most important is the process of handling the customs service or international import-export trade. Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE) is an institution that has a vital role in the field of customs, so that required to provide speed on the customs service process. satisfaction of users of customs services is essential. Because satisfaction is the result of productivity and output of services. DGCE perform a variety of strategies to meet the satisfaction of service users particularly by increasing the non-physical facility that is technology. National Single Window system is service system using a web-based technology, NSW system is the electronic form of public service (electronic Government/e-Government) involving government agencies issuing permits export-import. This study was conducted to analyze model of Implementation of National Single Window System toward Customs Service User Satisfaction Rate, where National Single Window system is the independent variable (X) consisting of support, capacity and value. While the service user satisfaction is the dependent variable (Y) consisting of levels of performance and level of expectation. This type of study is a descriptive verifikatif, and the methods used are surveys with sampling techniques is incidentental sampling with the size of the sample 75 respondents. Data analysis Techniques used model is path analysis with a computer software SPSS 17.0. Based on the results of the overall study of the value estimates obtained through path analysis is greater than that contained in the table This means there is whole and individually significant influence of National Single Window system toward customs service user satisfaction. On this study findings that 1)  National Single Window system implementation consists of support, capacity and value has been done well 2) Customs service user satisfaction score in implementation of national single window system is good, value has the largest score. Based on results of testing the hypothesis the application of the National Single Window system has been influential in improving the customs service user satisfaction



Costumer Satisfaction of Customs Service, National Single Window System


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