Basic Skill Orientation, Mobility, Social and Communication Basic Skill Program Empowered by Family to Improve Blind People Independent

Neni Meiyani


Blind individuals take longer to learn a concept compared to seeing individuals. Early assistance provided by the family will undoubtedly help blind children develop their cognitive abilities in mapping various existing concepts. Many families still have minimal understanding of assisting blind children, causing delays in the development of concepts that impact their independence. This family involvement allows blind children to reach the appropriate age/behavior stage in their independence. The research aimed to formulate and acquire a family-based CSOM basic skill program to increase the independence of the blind. The research was carried out using a qualitative approach with a case study type consisting of three stages, analyzing and determining needs, compiling program designs, and conducting FGDs. The results of research on the objective conditions of the basic CSOM skills in the family environment of blind children show a lack of understanding and proper assistance so that the ability of the blind children's CSOM is hampered, especially in social activities. The structured program is designed to illustrate to parents how to accompany blind children according to the principles of learning while in the family environment. The results after the workshop activities showed an increase in awareness and assistance efforts made by parents for blind children through the habituation of daily activities.

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