Prototype Design of Automatic Irrigation System Based on Soil Moisture and Temperature Using Mamdani Fuzzy Logic Controller

Anugrah Adiwilaga, Rafli Maulid Firmansyah, R. Irzia Fitri Muthmainah


Automation of irrigation systems based on soil humidity and temperature using Fuzzy Logic has been developed to improve water use efficiency in modern agriculture. This study aims to design, implement, and evaluate an automated system capable of real-time monitoring of soil moisture and temperature conditions to regulate crop irrigation. This study utilizes soil moisture and temperature sensor technology connected to a system controller. The data obtained from these sensors is processed using a fuzzy logic approach to decide the amount of water that must be distributed to the plants. The fuzzy logic concept is used to handle uncertainty and ambiguity in sensor data, allowing the system to make irrigation decisions that are more adaptive and responsive to changes in soil conditions. This method was tested in a small-scale agricultural environment, and the evaluation results showed that this automatic irrigation system is capable of providing more efficient and timely irrigation, according to crop needs. The implementation of sensor technology and the fuzzy logic concept paves the way for wider use in more sustainable and efficient agricultural water management.


irrigation; fuzzy logic; mamdani; automation; soil moisture;

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