Studi Komparatif Metode Guided Inquiry Learning dan Metode Problem Based Learning terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa

Neta Putri


Abstract. This research is motivated by the lack of critical thinking skills of students in secondary schools. The purpose of this study to analyze and find effective learning methods to improve students' critical thinking skills on economic subjects in High School. This research is a quasi-experimental. The study population was the students of class XI IPS in SMAN 1 Pariaman with a sample size of 2 (two) classes. Technique of data analysis: descriptive analysis and data analysis Independent Sample t - Test. The results showed that (1) there are differences on critical thinking skills of students before and after the learning in the classes using Guided Inquiry Learning, (2) there are differences on critical thinking skills of students before and after the learning in the classes using Problem Based Learning method (PBL) and (3) there are differences in the increase on critical thinking skills of students between classes using Guided Inquiry Learning with classes using Problem Based Learning (PBL) as well as the method of Problem Based Learning (PBL) is more effective than the method of Guided Inquiry Learning.


Keywords: guide inquiry learning; problem based learning; critical thinking ability.


Abstrak. Penelitian ini dimotivasi oleh kurangnya keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa di sekolah menengah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan menemukan metode pembelajaran yang efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen semu. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPS di SMAN 1 Pariaman dengan ukuran sampel 2 (dua) kelas. Teknik analisis data: analisis deskriptif dan analisis data Independent Sample t - Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran di kelas menggunakan Guided Inquiry Learning, (2) terdapat perbedaan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran di kelas menggunakan Metode Problem Based Learning (PBL) dan (3) terdapat perbedaan peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa antar kelas menggunakan Guided Inquiry Learning dengan kelas menggunakan Problem Based Learning (PBL) serta metode Problem Based Learning (PBL) lebih efektif daripada metode Guided Inquiry Learning.


Kata kunci: pembelajaran inquiry panduan; pembelajaran berbasis masalah; kemampuan berpikir kritis.



guide inquiry learning; problem based learning; critical thinking ability; pembelajaran inquiry panduan; pembelajaran berbasis masalah; kemampuan berpikir kritis.

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