The role of classical music on math learning methods for elementary school students

Salma Nabila Amany, Aulia Eka Wulandari, Adinda Sri Agustini, Hafizhah Insani Midyanti


This study aims to determine whether Mozart's classical music has an effect on mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school students and to find the proper learning method to be applied to mathematics lessons. The research method used is a literature study where researchers take references from research that has been done and articles that have been published to strengthen the arguments. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Mozart's classical music on the math learning outcomes of elementary school students and to determine the most effective learning method to use during math lessons. The research methodology involves a literature review where the authors reference previous research and published articles to support their arguments, which are then summarized in the conclusion. The study findings show that Mozart's classical music has a positive effect on the math learning outcomes of elementary school students. We recommend that teachers incorporate classical music into their math lessons and make connections between the material being taught and familiar things in the students' environment. This study concludes that Mozart's classical music affects the learning outcomes of elementary school students in mathematics with recommendations for learning methods, namely linking the materials taught with familiar things around the environment and inserting classical music during learning


Classical music; Mozart; Math; Learning methods; Elementary school

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