JAFN: Journal Applied of Food and Nutrition (e-ISSN:2797-0698 and p-ISSN: 2797-068X) is an online, open access peer-reviewed journal, which is published by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia twice a year (every June and December). This journal is for all contributors who concern with researches related to Food and Nutrition studies which have never been published before. Journal scoupe: Sport Nutrition, Nutrition Education, Clinical Nutrition and Dietation, Food Process, Food Security and Food Safety, Food Preservation, Current Issue of Food and Nutrition, Nutrition Community
The articles published on JAFN: Journal Applied of Food and Nutrition can be written in English. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by two reviewers who are competent in related fields.

Vol 5, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Sara Solita Br Lumbantobing, Ghina Salsabila Nafi’ah, Muhammad Raihan, Aliyah Khairunnisa Syafitri
Sofya Maya, Jamil Anshory
Idongesit Edem Okon, Danlami Danzarami, Idongesit Bassey Anweting, Oladunni Nathaniel
Abellinda Putri Pribadi, Intan Nabilah, Marshella Disty Yustiani, Shafa Auliya, Asti Dewi Rahayu Fitrianingsih
Desti Ambar Wati, Siti Shovia