Jurnal Kepelatihan Olahraga

Jurnal Kepelatihan Olahraga (JKO) is a media for widespread the results of research, studies and ideas in the field of sports coaching. This journal is managed by Sport Coaching Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This Jurnal Kepelatihan Olahraga (JKO), firstly published offline/printed in 2009 and then registered nationally since 2012 with the ISSN number: 2086-339X. So far, the sports training journal has been published in 16 volumes with each volume consisting of two (2) series. This print journal is regularly published two (2) times in June and December. Along with the development of the times, there are changes in the management of journals, that is from offline/print management to online management systems published in March and September 2019. eISSN number 2657-1765.

Journal Homepage Image



Call of Paper Number 2 Volume 16 (2024)


Dear Researchers/Colleagues

We'd like to inform you that JKO: Jurnal Kepelatihan Olahraga will be published in September 2024.

Jurnal Kepelatihan Olahraga (JKO) is a media for widespread the results of research, studies and ideas in the field of sports coaching. This journal is managed by Sport Coaching Education Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Accordingly, We would like to invite you to submit your manuscripts to sports coaching field knowledge and sports development. Jurnal Kepelatihan Olahraga focuses on information related tothe issues of the latest sports training development.

Journal Scope
• Sports Coaching Theory and Methodology,
• Physical conditioning,
• Sports Biomechanics,
• Anatomy,
• Exercise Physiology,
• Sports Psychology,
• Sports Sociology,
• Sports Nutrition,
• Sports Recovery,
• Sports Tests and Measurements.

More Information, the manuscripts can be written in English as well as in Bahasa Indonesia.

p-ISSN 2086-339X e-ISSN 2657-1765
Please submit your manuscripts to this address:
Website Address: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JKO

*Form Register: https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JKO/user/register

*Journal Template: https://bit.ly/JKO_Template 

*We would like to inform you that now we are in collaboration with the International Conference of Sport Coaching Science (ICSCS) 2024. For further information, please follow this address: https://icscs.upi.edu/2024

Posted: 2024-06-01
More Announcements...

Vol 16, No 1 (2024)

Table of Contents


Zidane Artya Bagaskara, Nida'ul Hidayah, Alen Rismayadi
Ahmad Fauzi Saputra, Nur Fitranto, Hendro Wardoyo
Adsya Agnia Putra Wardana, Kardjono Kardjono, Ridha Mustaqim
Aldina Hernani, Abdul Jalal, Amelia Chusna Firdhani, Brian Adam, Eka Nur Khayati, Gheiyanova Candella, Muhammad Anggaraksa Farhani, Muhammad Bintang Hidayatullah, Muhammad Faisal Baihaqi Elsyam, Raditya Duta Mahendra, Safrilla Kurniatul Afifah, Siti Afifatul Nur Khomariyah, Tamara Devi Sofiyulloh
Sarah Dzikra Safiyah, Nur Fitranto, Bambang Sujiono
Alma Apriliani, Zaenal Arifin, Azhar Ramadhana Sonjaya
Hendra Rustiawan, Wahdatul Huda, Nana Sutisna, Risma Risma
Ridho Bayu Widhiantoro, Ayu Rizky Febriani, Arfin Deri Listiandi, Ngadiman Ngadiman, Bayu Suko Wahono, Moch Fath Khurrohman
Taufan Fandi Saputra, Hidayat Humaid