Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal, published by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, which is a dissemination medium for research results from scientists and engineers in many fields of software engineering, information technology and communication.
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) published two times per year in June and December. Each issue consists of 5-20 articles/reviews. Every article that has been published in SEICT can be accessed online free
The editors welcome submissions of papers describing recent theoretical and experiential research related to: (1) Theoretical articles; (2) Empirical studies; (3) Practice-oriented papers; (4) Case studies; (5) Review of papers, books, and resources.
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Vol 5, No 2: December 2024
Table of Contents
Yenni Fatman
Yuniana Cahyaningrum
Caturiani Pratidina, Decia Safira, Trisna Gelar, Heru Permana, Suprihanto Suprihanto, Nurjannah Syakrani, Cholid Fauzi
Akwan Cakra Tajimalela, Ramandha Putra Suryahadi, Rizka Alfadilla, Indira Syawanodya, Iqbal Tawakal
Muhammad Faisal Fiqri, Raditya Muhammad, Mochamad Iqbal Ardimansyah
Abid Mafahim, Indira Syawanodna, Yulia Retnowati