Penggunaan PhET virtual lab dalam uji jarak pola gelap terang pada interferensi
Light waves have approximately four characteristics, one of which is light interference. Interference has a constructive and destructive nature. In addition, interference also acts as a subject in laboratory activities. The development of the times makes laboratory activities can be done online by utilizing virtual-lab. The laboratory medium that can be utilized to conduct experiments is a virtual-lab PhET. The purpose of the study was to determine whether there was an influence on the distance between the gaps and the distance between the patterns on the screen in the interference practicum material. The method used in data analysis is qualitative descriptive by comparing the relationship of distances between gaps with maroon frequency colors against distances of 1200 nm; 1500 nm; 1800 nm. The relationship between the distance between the gap and the distance between the light dark pattern is inversely proportional. The greater the distance between the gaps, the smaller the distance between the light dark patterns on the screen and vice versa. This proves that using a virtual PhET lab is very effective at determining the results of experiments on interference materials.
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Copyright (c) 2022 shidiq Andhika, Rena Denya Agustina, Yunissa Cesariyanti, Riki Purnama Putra, Amanda Putri, Muh Diki Setia Dermawan

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