Pengaruh pembelajaran inquiry terhadap kemampuan practices of scientific investigation peserta didik : Analisis menggunakan pendekatan instruksional implisit dan eksplisit
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of implicit and explicit instructional approaches on learners' POSI learning and compare the influence of implicit and explicit instructional approaches on learners' POSI learning. This research was conducted using the Quasi-Experimental method, where the research design used was One Group Pretest - Posttest Design with the research sample being 30 students of class X MIPA 5 and X MIPA 6 SMA Negeri 4 Cirebon. The instrument used in this study was a written test using paper and pen, in the form of a pretest and posttest about the ability of practices of sciencetific investigation (POSI). The form of the instrument used is multiple choice. In this study, a measurement of the POSI ability of students was first carried out before being given treatment in the form of a pretest, then the two experimental classes were given different treatments. Finally, learners are given a posttest about POSI ability. The tests carried out on the research, namely using the Independent t Test and Paired t Test. The results showed that both models influenced the POSI ability of students, but students who applied an explicit instructional approach had greater POSI abilities compared to students who applied the implicit approach. Substantially this explicit instructional approach is more effective in encouraging learners' POSI abilities and This explicit instructional approach also seems to be a promising approach to support learners' POSI abilities.
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