Characteristics of science process skills instruments for high school students in elasticity and Hooke's law based on analysis of item response theory

Nurul Fadilla, Taufik Ramlan Ramalis, Achmad Samsudin


This study aims to analyze the characteristic of a science process skills test instrument on elasticity and Hooke’s law of physics subjects in high school using item response theory. The characteristic of the instrument analyzed are the suitable logistic model, validity, reliability, discrimination index, difficulty, and pseudo guessing. The methode of this study is a quantitative descriptive and the design used is a one-shot design. The participant of this study are 121 high school students who have studied elasticity and Hooke’s law. The instrumen used in this study is 20 multiple-choice question with five answer choiches. The results of validity analysis using Aiken’s V index show that the instrument is valid. Based on logistic parameter model, the most suitable model for this instrument is 3-PL model with informastion function about 21,02. The reliability of the instrument shows that it is reliabel to be givento students with low to very high ability levels with ability scores -1,33 to 2,73. The overall discrimination index considered as good with a = 1,43, as for difficulty levels considered as good with b = 0,9, and pseudo guessing factor also considered as good with c = 0,17. The result show that the science process skill instrument of elasticity and Hooke’s law is valid and reliable.


Test characteristic;Science Process Skills;Item Response Theory

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