Studi Literatur Efektifitas Pembelajaran Tematik dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Winda Aisyah Rizki, Lizza Suzanti, Fitri Alfarisa


Thematic learning can develop students' activeness and creativity in exploring and discovering concepts. However, implementation in the field has not been fully implemented well. This is in line with existing theory stating that creativity in elementary schools is still low. As in research, thematic learning is less than optimal for student creativity. The aim of this research is to find out how effective thematic concepts are in improving students' ability to think creatively in elementary schools. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with a literature study method or library research. On the first point, namely the effectiveness of thematic learning for elementary school students based on frequency, the percentage of findings that are categorized as effective is 70%. In the second point, namely students' creative thinking processes in elementary school thematic learning, based on frequency, the percentage of findings that are categorized as effective is 90%. Then for the third point, namely, the effectiveness of thematic learning in improving elementary school students' creative thinking abilities based on frequency, the percentage of findings that are categorized as effective is 100%. This shows that thematic learning in improving elementary school students' creative thinking is effective and suitable for use.


Thematic Learning; Creative Thinking; Literature Study

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