The Effect of Barista Service Quality on Dine-in Customer Satisfaction at the Starbucks Experience Bar Buah Batu, Bandung, During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Andi Yudaraharja, Agus Sudono, Wildan Nurhidayat


This research discusses the development of the tourism industry in the city of Bandung, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic on the adaptation required by the Food & Beverage (F&B) culinary business, with an emphasis on the Barista's role as a service provider to consumers. The research method used is a survey with a quantitative approach that is descriptive and verificative. The results of this descriptive study show that both Barista service quality and customer satisfaction are in the high category. The results of the verification research show that of the 5 exogenous variables (reliability, responsiveness, certainty, empathy, and tangibles) which are assumed to affect overall customer satisfaction, the hypothesis can be accepted. Testing the hypothesis using the F-test and T-test, the results show that service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. The T-test for the variable service quality on customer satisfaction also yields similar conclusions, namely that service quality affects customer satisfaction. The F test for price and service quality on customer satisfaction shows that service quality has a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Overall, this study concludes that service quality which includes reliability, responsiveness, certainty, empathy, and tangibles from baristas has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction in the Starbucks experience at Bar Buah Batu Bandung during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Service Quality; Barista; Consumer Satisfaction

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