Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan peta kompetensi Guru Biologi SMA berdasarkan analisis kesesuaian pembelajaran di kelas dengan tuntutan Kompetensi Dasar (KD). Penelitian dilaksanakan di tujuh SMA Negeri di Kota Bandung yang termasuk cluster 1 sampai 3, masing-masing diwakili oleh 2-3 SMA yang ditentukan secara random. Setiap SMA melibatkan 1-2 guru biologi. Observasi proses pembelajaran di kelas dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik video. Observasi pembelajaran difokuskan pada dua materi ajar, yaitu Plantae dan Sistem Ekskresi. Data dikumpulkan melalui instrumen yang dikembangkan berdasarkan judgment pakar terhadap hasil analisis KD yang meliputi tiga aspek, yaitu materi ajar, strategi pembelajaran (metode dan media pembelajaran), dan strategi evaluasi. Data diolah dengan menghitung persentase (%) kesesuaian, kemudian merata-ratakannya untuk setiap aspek pembelajaran yang diamati. Angka rata-rata yang diperoleh dianalogikan sebagai besaran kompetensi (kemampuan) guru pada setiap aspek pengamatan. Hasil pemetaan kompetensi menunjukkan bahwa guru telah mampu mengembangkan materi ajar hingga 68-83% kesesuaian, merancang dan melaksanakan strategi pembelajaran di kelas hingga 50-57% kesesuaian, dan mengembangkan instrumen evaluasi hingga 33-73% kesesuaian. Kemampuan terendah berada pada pengembangan instrumen evaluasi sesuai jenjang kognitif yang dituntut KD, yaitu sebesar 33% kesesuaian. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa keberfungsian perencanaan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dalam pelaksananaan pembelajaran masih rendah, yaitu di bawah 49% kesesuaian.
The study aimed to develop biology teachers’ competency map based on appropriateness analysis of classroom teaching processes with the demand of the basic competency. This study was conducted in seven public senior high schools belong to 1–3 school clusters in Bandung district. Each school cluster was randomly represented by 2 or 3 schools and each school involved 1 or 2 teachers. Classroom teaching processes were observed thoroughly via video technique. Observation was focused on two subjects, Plantae and Excretion System. Data was gathered using instruments developed based on expert judgment on the output analysis of basic competency (KD) for three aspects: teaching subject, teaching strategy (method and media), and evaluation strategy. Data was then analyzed through percentile calculation on each teaching aspect, in which it was subsequently converted to a percentage of appropriateness average. The average of those percentages was analogized as a value of teacher competency. Results suggested that the teachers were able to develop teaching subject until 68-83% of appropriateness, able to design and to implement teaching strategy until 50-57% of appropriateness, and able to develop evaluation instruments until 33-73% of appropriateness. The lowest ability of the teacher was to develop evaluation instrument which in line with cognitive level demanded by KD. The study also showed that the functional value of the teaching planning in the implementation of teaching in the classroom was lower than 49% of appropriateness.
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