In building and road works, the calculation of excavation and embankment volumes is an engineering survey activity. Longitudinal and transverse profile drawings describe the relief of the ground surface in road works and are the basis for calculating the volume and position of excavations and embankments. Volume calculation is very important in highway construction because it can affect the amount of cost that will be obtained. The material volume calculation process uses various methods. The existing conditions of the tuban ring road are currently under construction and the volume calculation process still uses manual calculations. This research aims to calculate the volume of excavation by utilizing survey data processing applications on winding roads whose results will be compared with the volume of manual calculation results as data that is considered correct. The volume calculation analysis uses the ASTM tolerance test standard deviation with a tolerance limit of 2.78% as a condition of volume calculation accuracy. Based on the results of the standard deviation in the fill calculation, the average cross-section method is 2,665 m3 compared to the prismoidal method which is worth 4,001 m3 and composite volume with a value of 15,530 m3. In the fill calculation, the prismodial method has the smallest average standard deviation of 6.897 m3 compared to the average cross-section method of 12.611 m3 and the composite volume method of 19.777 m3. In the ASTM tolerance test with a tolerance value of 2.78% there is a volume calculation that does not meet the tolerance standards in the composite volume method with the largest difference in the calculation of cut and fill bend 3 with a difference of 3.998% cut and 16.277% fill and the smallest difference in the calculation of cut and fill bend 2 with a difference of 0.506% cut and 2.618% fill. The average cross-section method has better accuracy when applied to road bends, especially bends 1, 3, and 4 when compared to the results of the composite volume method. The prismoidal method has better accuracy when applied to road bends with bend-like characteristics.
Keywords: Composite volume, Penampang Rata- Rata, Prismoidal, , Volume cut, Volume fill
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