The Effectiveness of Technology-Based Learning at the Elementary School Level

Cindy Nisa Ramdani, Ilma Nurliani Rizky


Education plays a vital role in preparing the quality of future generations. With the rapid technological growth the educational system must make changes by leveraging the role of the technology in order to effectively achieve the educational goals. Learning by utilizing current technology is often used across all education levels, especially in elementary school. But that would not necessarily be effective in elementary school, as students who do not yet have sufficient age to understand and operate technology. To ensure its effectiveness in the matter, we conducted a study using qualitative methods and took a sample of 32 respondents. The reason for using this method is to know first hand the condition of the subject. The research instrument used is a form with questions about how effective technological use is in learning. Based on the research that has been done, most of the students have used technology during learning activities. Until the respondents revealed that they had not yet mastered the right technology. This is the result of several factors, which leads to the conclusion that technology-based learning has not been effectively used in elementary school.


Effectiveness; Learning; Qualitative Model; Technology.

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