MOTOR: Journal of Automotive Engineering

The International Journal of Automotive Engineering (IJAE), with registered numbers ISSN XXXX-XXXX (Print) and ISSN XXXX-XXXX (Online), is a scholarly publication dedicated to advancing research in automotive engineering. Published biannually in June and December, IJAE is managed by the Editorial Office of the Study Programme of Automotive Engineering Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia which collaborates with APTO and ADVGI.

IJAE serves as a platform for disseminating high-quality, peer-reviewed articles presenting research findings in various aspects of automotive engineering. The journal welcomes submissions covering a wide range of topics within the field, including but not limited to automotive design, manufacturing, materials, propulsion systems, safety, and sustainability.

The editors welcome submissions of papers describing recent theoretical and experimental research related to: (1) Theoretical articles; (2) Empirical studies; (3) Practice-oriented papers; (4) Case studies; (5) Review of papers, books, and resources. View article template.

The publication frequency is twice a year in June and Desember. Editorial team accept the article manuscript written in Indonesia or English and follow the author guidelines. If you have trouble submitting the manuscripts, feel free to contact

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Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit your best paper to our open access journal will be published in Volume 1 No. 1 (Dec 2024). For your information, the deadline for submission is 1 Nov 2024. You can register first for ur account in this link :

Writers can have benefit from free publication, plagiarism checks, and article assistance for Indonesian and English papers, made possible through our collaborations with the Automotive Engineering Practitioners Association (APTO) and the Indonesian Vocational Lecturers and Teachers Association (ADGVI).

Click "more" for detail information

Thank you.

Posted: 2024-08-07 More...
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Vol 1, No 1 (2024): MOTOR : Vol. 1

Table of Contents


Muhammad Zidane Aziz, Ramdhani Ramdhani, Yusep Sukrawan
Arbi Arbiansyah, Tatang Permana, Muhammad Maris Al gifari
Muhamad Rafli Al Ramdani, Ibnu Mubarak, Tatang Permana
Rifqi Naimullah, Ramdhani Ramdhani, Yusep Sukrawan
Zulvia Sa'adah, Yusep Sukrawan, Ridwan Adam Muhamad Noor
Ibnu Mahdum, Tatang Permana, Yusep Sukrawan