People Management Practice in School: A Case Study in SMPN 26 Pontianak

Fikri Rahmatan


People management as part of HCM is needed and plays an important role in managing and developing the knowledge, abilities and skills possessed by each individual. In this study, the author wants to see how people management practices are applied to State Junior High School (SPMN) 26 Pontianak. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of extensive training and compensation variables on teacher work productivity, especially at SMPN 26 Pontianak. The research method used is in the form of quantitative methods with survey design and the sample used is a saturated sample, namely the entire population at the research locus is used to be sampled with a total of 20 respondents. Research findings show that the dimensions/indicators contained in the variables of extensive training and compensation have a positive and significant impact on teacher work productivity at SMPN 26 Pontianak


Compensation Extensive Training People Management Work Productivity

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