Classroom Action Research: Enhancing IPAS Learning Outcomes on Indonesians' Cultural Diversity Using Wordwall to Elementary School Students
This research aimed to determine the improvement in learning outcomes in Natural and Social Sciences (IPAS) on the topic of Indonesia's cultural wealth using Wordwall media among Grade IV students at SD Negeri 019 Samarinda Ulu during the 2023/2024 academic year. The study employed Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted over three cycles, with each cycle consisting of two sessions. The research procedure included four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of the study were 22 Grade IV students at SD Negeri 019 Samarinda Ulu, and the object was the improvement in learning outcomes of IPAS on the topic of Indonesia's cultural wealth using Wordwall media. Data collection techniques included observation, tests, and documentation. Data analysis involved calculating percentages for teacher and student activities, learning completeness, and improvement in student outcomes. The results indicated significant improvement in learning outcomes. Students' completeness percentages increased from the first meeting in Cycle I at 23%, the second meeting at 27%, the first meeting in Cycle II at 41%, and the second meeting at 55%. By Cycle III, the first meeting achieved 64%, and the second meeting reached 82%. In conclusion, the use of Wordwall media significantly improved the learning outcomes of IPAS on Indonesia's cultural wealth for Grade IV students at SD Negeri 019 Samarinda Ulu during the 2023/2024 academic year. The research highlights the effectiveness of interactive media in fostering student engagement and enhancing academic achievement.
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