Strategies to Increase Market Share and Awareness of Yogurt Business in Indonesia (Case Study on Yogurt Product X)
This study aims to identify the factors causing stagnation in sales of a yogurt business in Indonesia and to determine the appropriate strategy to increase market share and awareness for the yogurt business. Based on the internal analysis conducted using an internal factor evaluation, the yogurt brand X is still far from being Top of Mind and is not well known among dairy product consumers. This presents a challenge for the company in terms of increasing consumer recognition and awareness of yogurt X. In terms of product, yogurt X has a design that is less sophisticated and simple, as supported by insights gathered from our informants. In terms of pricing, which is relatively cheaper compared to competitors, this can also create a less premium image according to theory. Additionally, there is no effort in promotion to enhance the brand image (which can be said to have never been done), and the placement of Biokul products in sales locations is no different from competitors (having no significant impact). Therefore, the factors that play the most significant role and can positively influence brand image are product and promotion.
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