Journal History

The Department of MKDU FPIPS Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia first published the Journal "Taklim: Journal of Islamic Religious Education (TJPAI)" under the coordinator of the PAI and the PAI Seminar course in 2003 with the number ISSN 1693-2807. The journal is published regularly twice a year, namely March and September. With the same ISSN number starting from Volume 9 No. 1, the Taklim journal has an online publication with open access at the address but has not yet used the OJS system.

In 2013, starting from Volume 11 Number 1, TJPAI submitted a new printed ISSN number 2337-4276. Starting in 2021, the management of OJS-based journals has started at the address, and the ISSN Online number 2776-026X began to be listed in volume 19 number 1 in 2021.

In 2024, after the general education department (DPU) was disbanded, the management of the taklim journal was transferred to Program Studi Ilmu Pendidikan Agama Islam FPIPS UPI.