Development of a Family-Based Early Intervention Program to Improve Consonant Letter Articulation Skills in Children with Articulation Barriers

Muhammad Rafi Wirdan Assyakir Tandu Bela, Budi Susetyo, Alya Jilan Rizqita, Maksud Khoshsimov


This study aims to develop a family-based early intervention program for children with articulation barriers who attend inclusive schools. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative to develop a family-based early intervention program. The subject in this study is a 6-year-old child who has barriers in his articulation ability. The subject currently attends a kindergarten in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The result of this study is a family-based early intervention program to train articulation skills in children. This research is expected to be a reference for various parties, such as parents, teachers, and special education teachers in developing articulation skills owned by children with articulation barriers.


Articulation; Early Intervention; Family

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