Yoana Nurul Asri


Telah dilakukan pelatihan robotika di salah satu SMA Kota Bandung. Pelatihan robotika ini menjadi salah satu media untuk mengajarkan pelajaran fisika. Melalui robotika dapat menumbuhkan pendidikan STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) dan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir logis, kreatif, inovatif, problem solving, dan kemampuan bekerjasama dalam tim. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah Pre-Experimental Design, metode deskriptif melalui observasi, penilaian angket, dan wawancara siswa. Hasil yang diperoleh ialah sebanyak 90% siswa dapat memahami materi pengenalan arduino, sinyal analog, dan pengenalan bahasa pemrograman. Sebanyak 98% sudah mampu merakit robot. Sebanyak 95% dapat menginput dan mengkoneksikan bahasa pemrograman ke dalam bluetooth untuk dihubungkan ke robot. Sebanyak 85% siswa memahami cara menganalisis data melalui grafik dan memverifikasinya dengan data dari robot.
Kata Kunci: robotika, fisika, STEM

Robotics training has been done in one of the high schools of Bandung. This robotics training became one of the media to teach physics lesson. Through robotics can grow STEM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and improve the ability to think logically, creatively, innovatively, problem solving, and ability to work together in teams. Methods in this research are Pre-Experimental Design, descriptive method through observation, questionnaire assessment, and student interview. The results obtained are as much as 90% of students can understand the material introduction arduino, analog signals, and the introduction of programming languages. As many as 98% have been able to assemble robots. As many as 95% can input and connect programming language into bluetooth to robot. As many as 85% of students understand how to analyze data through graphs and verify them with data from robots
Keywords: robotics, physics, STEM


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