Analisis Struktur Pengetahuan Tekanan Hidrostatis Peserta Didik SMA Menggunakan Pathfinder Networks

Denni Yulius Girsang, Taufik Ramlan Ramalis, Harun Imansyah


Complexity in concepts could comes from a lot of different concepts related to one another. Therefore, conceptual map is one of the most popular methods to help mapped out different complex concepts. Another method that could be useful to mapped out students’ structural knowledge is by using Pathfinder Networks application. This application requires students to determine the degree of relatedness between each pair of concepts in the subject and then this application will prcoess those informations to form knowledge structures which represents students’ understanding of the relatedness between the concepts in certain subjects. This research observes 178 different structures of students from different schools in Legok District, Tangerang, Banten to observe the pattern from varios knowledge structures in  the subject
of hydrostatic pressure. These different structures then grouped into different categories based on their
respective schools, residence, and gender to determine whether these factors affected their knowledge
structures or not. The result of this research shows 39 unique pattern of knowledge structures from 178
students and and and average of 0,5 for the degree of similarity between each structures.



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Copyright (c) 2021 Denni Yulius Girsang

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The Journal Wahana Pendidikan Fisika is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

The Journal WaPFi (Wahana Pendidikan Fisika).

All rights reserverd. pISSN 2338-1027 eISSN 2685-4414

Copyright © Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education (FPMIPA) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)