Acculturation of Islamic Culture in Food as a Gastronomic Tourism Attraction in Surabaya (Case Study of the Sunan Ampel Area)

Dewi Turgarini, Diah Novita Evi Sari, Nurlaila Alifah Mustafa, Pipin Kusumawati


Ampel Village is an area in the city of Surabaya which is popularly known as Kampung Arab because most of its residents are ethnic Arabs. Apart from that, there are also Javanese and Madurese ethnicities. This area has a high historical value in the spread of the Islamic religion , especially in the field of gastronomy, but many people are still unaware of it. One of the factors causing this is the lack of optimal management of the Ampel Area as a Tourist Attraction. This research was conducted to explore the potential for gastronomic tourism resulting from the acculturation to the Islamic culture in the area. This research uses the theory of cultural acculturation, tourist attraction and gastronomy, including gastronomic tourism components, Nona Helix, and others. The method in this research is qualitative using phenomenological techniques. Data collection techniques used participant observation, document selection, and verification with detailed interviews with Nona Helix. The results concluded that there was a process of cultural acculturation between the Arab ethnic group, the Javanese ethnic group and the Madurese ethnic group in the Ampel area of Surabaya. One of the results of cultural acculturation based on a survey from Miss Helix is the local food Maryam bread, green bean curry, kebuli rice, kebab, briyani rice, oven goat, Arabic pukis, dawet, samosa, peanut sugar, red gulai which have the potential to become gastronomic tourism attractions. This local food has characteristics that are attractive to tourists visiting the Sunan Ampel Religious Tourism Area. The next development of gastronomic tourism that needs to be developed is education, infrastructure and the synergy of Nona Helix.


Gastronomy; Islamic Cultural Acculturation; Tourist Attraction; Sunan Ampel Area

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