Adiwiyata is a government program to succeed a sustainable educational development. It aims at creating responsible school memberships in protecting and conserving environment through good school management. This is implemented by state vocational school 2 Semarang having won Adiwiyata Mandiri in 2013.This research is to explore State Vocational School 2 Semarang members’ ’attitude on the implementation of adiwiyata program. The research employs descriptive qualitative approach. The data taken on this research are primary and secondary ones. The primary data refers to direct sources like the principal, teachers, administrative staffs, students and school committee. The secondary data are taken from collecting written sources and documents. The techniques of collecting data are through participation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis involves reduction, presentation, and data verification.The result shows that four adiwiyata indicators comprising environmental based school policy, environmental school based curriculum, participative school based activity and environmental school based infrastructure have been successfully implemented at State Vocational School 2 Semarang as evidenced by the success of the management of parks, greenery, cleanliness and cultural reduce, reuce, and recycle success is supported by habits, knowledge, and real actions that requires explicit school regulation and sustainable environmental managements.Adiwiyata program in State Vocational School 2 Semarang needs to be preserved, transmitted, and distributed to schools or other community.
Keywords : Adiwiyata, Environment, Attitude, School’s Memberships
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