Promoting speaking and translation skills to EFL students through the sociodrama method

Mochammad Prasetya, Rohmani Nur Indah


Related to the condition and situation of X class, some students get difficulty arranging the word in speaking English. Considering that problem, teaching speaking was applied using the Sociodrama method to improve students’ speaking and translation skill. This research design is classroom action research (CAR), which has four steps. The result is that using Sociodrama can improve students’ speaking and translation skills from 63% in cycle one, meaning that it was not a success because it did not reach the criterion of success, 60 points to 75% of participants. One of the factors that caused the first cycle to be unsuccessful was that the researchers grouped the students randomly. Therefore, the researchers changed the group to a different range of intellectuals in cycle two. Furthermore, the use of Sociodrama can motivate students to speak, and it can be fun and relax the students to pay more attention since they are more enjoyable learning English and suggestion for other people, especially for the English teacher to apply the sociodrama method for teaching speaking and translation


Sociodrama method; speaking skill; translation skill

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