Enhancing Philosophy Comprehension Through the What Am I? Word Guessing Game

Muhammad Takwin Machmud, Nurul Mu’tia Utami, Omthajit Pansri, Rosidah Rosidah4


This study implemented a game-based learning model based on the “What am I?” word guessing game to enhance university students' comprehension of philosophy. The study was conducted using a mixed-method approach to 55 first-year university students who were enrolled in a philosophy course. The quantitative data was collected by administering a pre-test and post-test, while the qualitative data was collected by administering a questionnaire. The result shows majority of students' scores were increased after taking “What am I?” word guessing game strategies. The data also provided the information that learning strategies implementation was effective in philosophy courses by the null hypothesis is rejected. The learning strategy could provide enjoyable learning and assist them in comprehending a broad spectrum of learning topics. In summary, the implementation of the “What am I?” word guessing game could enhance students' comprehension of philosophical topics and offer an enjoyable atmosphere for learning.


Games; Learners’ comprehension; Philosophy topics; What am I; Word guessing game

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ijomr.v4i2.78725


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