Learning Daily Living Activities Buttoning Clothes with Busy Book Media for Children with Intellectual Disabilities

Rini Rajani


The purpose of this study was to determine the learning of daily living activities buttoning clothes with busy book media for children with intellectual disabilities. In this study, research used a single-subject research (SSR) method with data collection techniques of action tests and interviews. The subject in this study was a 10-year-old child in the mild intellectual disabilities category. The results of this study indicate that busy book media can improve learning daily living activities by clothes for children with intellectual disabilities seen from evaluation tests that have been carried out by research. This research is expected to add to the knowledge of readers and become a foundation for further research related to learning daily living activities buttoning children's clothes with intellectual disabilities seen from evaluation tests that have been carried out by research.


Activity daily living;Buttoning clothes; Children with intellectual disabilities; Learning; Media busy book.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jassi.v23i1.67888


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