Effectiveness Of Use Peanut Balls A Therapy Tool In Improving Motor Skills In Cerebral Palsy Children

Fakhri Farid Azhar


This research aims to determine the effect of Peanut Balls in improving the motor skills of children with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition that affects a child's motor development. Children with cerebral palsy often have difficulty controlling body movements, balance and coordination. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are important in helping to improve the child's gross motor skills. Problems with unstable body posture and balance disorders also often occur in Cerebral Palsy children. Using Peanut Balls in therapy can help improve the posture of children with cerebral palsy. The Peanut Ball provides additional support and stability when the child sits or lies on it. This helps activate core muscles, increase muscle strength, and improve balance. Therapy using Peanut Balls can also help develop movement control abilities and gross motor coordination in children with cerebral palsy. The research method used is a qualitative approach and the type of research used is case study research. The subject in this study was a 7 year old child with cerebral palsy with the initials A. The designed intervention program focused on the subject's body posture and neck control. The result when using peanut balls is that when sitting on the peanut balls the subject is able to support his body and is not stiff.


Cerebral palsy; Peanut balls; Gross motor skills.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jassi.v22i2.67896


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