Emotional and Behavioral Disorders as an impact of the role of parents in the Korean Drama Juvenile Justice

Arif Fakhrudin Maulana


This research uses literature study and content analysis methods to explore the impact of the representation of the role of parents in the Korean drama Juvenile Justice on emotional disorders and adolescent behavior. The results of the analysis show that the lack of attention and support from parents in the drama creates an emotional void in the teenage characters, thus encouraging them to commit extreme acts such as murder, theft, and involvement in prostitution cases. Comparison and pressure to achieve academically have also emerged as triggers of excessive emotional stress in children. Unstable family environments and traumatic experiences such as domestic violence and bullying also play an important role in shaping adolescent behavior. These findings highlight the important role of parents in providing consistent attention, affection and support to prevent the increase in adolescent emotional and behavioral disorders. The implications of this research can be the basis for developing intervention programs and guidance for parents in supporting children's development.


Role of parents; emotional and behavioral disorders; characteristics.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jassi.v22i2.67899


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