Case Study of Interactive Teaching of Science "Food and Digestive System": Developing Communication Skills Towards Science Literacy of Grade VIII Junior High School Students
Communication skills require students to be able to manage, understand, develop, and create orally and in writing. Teaching methods that generally use conventional models of learning activities that are not formed in groups cause students' science communication skills to be lacking, so learning activities are more teacher-centered. This learning causes students' science communication skills to be challenging to develop, especially toward understanding or science literacy. The development of this science interactive teaching case study aims to develop communication skills towards science literacy of grade VIII junior high school students. The type of research used is the mixed method. This research involved the subjects of Science 1 and Science 2 teachers in class VIII and students from 2 classes with 32 students taught by the two teachers. Data analysis was conducted through transcript coding using N-Vivo assistance and statistical analysis from SPSS statistics and Minitab. The study's results show that from the three indicators described, there are significant differences in interactive teaching carried out by Science Teacher 1 and Science Teacher 2. This is due to the different perspectives held by the two teachers in the communication skills approach used. Science Teacher 1 emphasizes exploration activities more, while science teacher 2 focuses more on discussion activities.
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