Developing EFL teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for teaching spoken English in Chinese universities

Lan Wang, Ricky Lam


While previous research has explored the constituents and attributes of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) possessed by teachers in the general education field, there is a noticeable gap in the literature regarding the development of PCK among EFL-speaking instructors in the Chinese university context. This study aimed to examine how four EFL teachers developed their PCK for teaching speaking-related courses over one year in Chinese universities. The study utilized a narrative case study design to aid participants in writing within a specific genre form, along with conducting interviews. The findings indicate that PCK development was influenced by various personal and contextual factors, which were observed to follow two distinct trajectories. One pathway involves examining literature and reference materials and synthesizing knowledge through personal interpretation. The other pathway entails acquiring the PCK from fellow teachers or transferring it from different courses, then augmenting this knowledge through self-evaluation and introspection. This study identified three models of of PCK development, including the trial-based model, top-down model, and inquiry-based model, which exhibited a progressive and evolving nature. The findings suggest that on-the-job practice and self-reflection are crucial in developing PCK. It also yielded valuable insights into the strategies employed by EFL teachers to adapt and improve their teaching effectiveness amidst curricular reforms in China, and internationally. Providing enhanced pre-service education and policy-level support to EFL-speaking instructors is advisable to promote the sustainability of their professional development.


language awareness; pathways of PCK development; pedagogical content knowledge; reflective practice; teaching spoken English

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