How Well Do E-portfolios Facilitate Students’ Learning Engagement in Speaking Courses during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

I Putu Indra Kusuma, Ni Wayan Surya Mahayanti, Muhammad Handi Gunawan, Dzul Rachman, Ni Putu Astiti Pratiwi


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected educational practices worldwide, including English language teaching and learning practices like teaching speaking courses. It has also shifted face-to-face learning into distance learning modes. Implementing e-portfolios in assessing students' speaking performance seems to be an alternative as this technique could be implemented fully online. However, how well e-portfolios facilitate students' learning engagement in speaking courses, especially during online learning, has been little documented. Thus, this study aims to explore the students' learning engagement and the challenges of implementing e-portfolios in an online speaking course. Using a single case study in an English Language Department at a public education university in Indonesia, the study involved ten participants selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data were collected from various resources, such as phone interviews, videos, and reflection journals, as data/source triangulation. The data were then analyzed using a theoretical thematic analysis technique. The findings revealed that the participants had active participation and showed almost similar engagements in cognitive, affective, and behavioral domains during the online speaking course. However, the students also faced several challenges that inevitably affected their feelings. Few implications are also discussed pertaining to conduct English language teaching practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.


E-portfolios; learning engagement; online learning during a pandemic; online speaking courses

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